Sunday, February 10, 2008

Stroller advice!

Question to those moms out there with children that are close in age.. What kind of stroller do you recommend? Since Christopher will be turning a year when the baby is born, I am going to need a stroller that will carry both babies. Preferably the tandem kind (I can't imagine navigating an extra-wide double stroller through doorways and store aisles). I have seen the Graco duo-glider, but what other brands are out there? Also, I would like to be able to have the infant seat snap into the stroller, so I wouldn't have to wake a sleeping baby!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Yesterday we had our ultrasound with the perinatologist. The baby is healthy.. and we are having a girl! The doctor seemd quite sure of himself, so hopefully we will not be mistaken.

We are so happy to be having a son and a daughter. I am already checking out the little girl clothes!