Sunday, February 10, 2008

Stroller advice!

Question to those moms out there with children that are close in age.. What kind of stroller do you recommend? Since Christopher will be turning a year when the baby is born, I am going to need a stroller that will carry both babies. Preferably the tandem kind (I can't imagine navigating an extra-wide double stroller through doorways and store aisles). I have seen the Graco duo-glider, but what other brands are out there? Also, I would like to be able to have the infant seat snap into the stroller, so I wouldn't have to wake a sleeping baby!


AJ said...

I Love Love Love my Graco DuoGlider...they make a Quattro one too that holds kids until 50lbs, but I have the Duo. I put a few hundred miles (literally) on it last summer and my kids are 38 lbs and 26 lbs. It is super easy to turn, perfect for mall and sidewalks and folds up easily and compactly. It has a cup holder and a storage area on top so you can bring a water bottle and camera. It also has a cup holder in each seat so the kids can both take sippies. I know that the Graco car seats snap into it in both positions.

I highly recommend it!

Mary said...

We saw a couple in the Charlotte airport yesterday that had what we've decided to call a triple in-line stroller...filled with children of different ages, all in diapers.