Angie was discharged from the hospital Monday afternoon after her last bilirubin test was 11.8 (MD wanted less than 12 for discharge).
So far it has been pretty good at home. We are working hard on the breastfeeding, and I think that we are making progress. I went to a breastfeeding support group today at the community hospital. The lactation nurses were really helpful and offered me some good pointers. We start the session by each baby being weighed (with nothing on, including no diaper) and then doing a post feeding weight. Angie had taken in 40ml (just over an ounce) with her post feeding weight. I haven't had to do much supplementation (which messed things up with Christopher) and I started to drink mother's milk tea and an herbal supplement to help with increasing the volume of breastmilk.
Tomorrow we are going to have her bilirubin level drawn again. Hopefully it has not jumped up. :/
Aww! So sweet! Hope all is going well with two little ones! I can't imagine!
So glad little miss Angie is doing well! I think it's great that you're working so hard at the breastfeeding thing...keep up the good work!:)
What does Christopher think of his little sister?
Keep going with the bf-ing - I love it! We never did any supplementing, and I tried not to obsess about how much milk he was getting - and now he's a chubby little ham :)
I think Christopher's shirt is so cute!
What herbal supplement are you using? I had the same problem with Noah, I started supplementing, b/c he was such a chunk and then my supply wasn't what it should have been. I'm determined that the next time I will make it work better:)
Both babies are beautiful!
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