After being at the hospital for three full days, we were discharged home Thursday night at 11:00pm. We had to wait for the pediatrician to make rounds and write discharge orders for the baby. Also, Christopher looked a little jaundiced, so we were waiting for his lab results to return. We didn't see the results until 11pm, so we couldn't leave until the results returned. On top of all this, I was waiting for my OB doctor to come and write discharge orders for me. Finally, we were able to leave, but all three of us were tired and cranky by the time we came home at 11:45pm.
I have been having a difficult time with breastfeeding. Ultimately I had to rent a breast pump last week and pump my breast milk. Now in the last couple of days we have tried breastfeeding, but I am afraid that my milk supply is not sufficient enought to meet Christopher's needs.
Christopher has a voracious appetite. When he was born, he weighed 8lbs, 8 ounces. He lost about 1 lb after the birth due to me feeding him my colostrum. The day we were discharged, the pediatrician advised us to breastfeed him and supplement with formula for the next couple of days. My milk was just starting to come in, but at the time we were having a lot of difficulty with latching on.
I was able to pump over the weekend, and now we have started to breast feed again. However, Christopher seems to not be satisfied with just the breastmilk. I will feed him and then he will scream because he is hungry. Whenever he is asleep I will pump, but I am only able to pump out 15ml-20ml max. I try to either pump or breastfeed every 2-3 hrs, but it is the same cycle over again. Either I am only able to pump out 15ml or Christopher feeds and remains hungry. Tomorrow I am going to a breastfeeding support group at a local hospital. I am also interested in doing an outpatient consult with a lactionist.
I feel like a bad mother because I am not able to give my child solely breaskmilk. I have had to use supplements with my milk. Christopher seems to be doing ok though. We had him weighed yesterday and he was able to regain his birth weight and put on an additional 2 ounces. He now weighs 8 lbs, 10 ounces. Every day he looks bigger, his hair and nails are growing like crazy. He keeps scratching his face up, so we have had to cut and file down his nails a couple of times.
Sometimes he is a little fussy, but it is usually because he is hungry. He eats every 2-3 hours and this is with 60ml of formula. Sometimes I will mix in my 20ml of breastmilk and then 40ml of formula. We can usually tell what is bothering him because it could mean a couple of things- (A) he is wet or dirty (B) he is hungry (C) he is gassy and needs to be burped. He has his days/nights confused and often wants to be awake at night and sleep during the day.
We have had a few accidents with him spraying on us. Alfonso likes to "test" him and leave him uncovered for a moment while changing his diapers. The first time we were doing a diaper change in the back of the 4-Runner after eating ice cream at Coldstone. Christopher ended up getting himself wet along with the folded up chair that was a foot behind him. The second time was last night before we went to bed. Christopher ended up spraying his bassinet and the carpet. Also, during his circumcision with the doctor, Christopher sprayed the doctor and everything else that was in the sterile field. We are quite proud of our strong little boy. I prefer to not test him, and instead I try to cover him up with a 4X4 gauze to avoid getting blessed.
Tomorrow we are going to the pediatrician for his newborn checkup. I am sure everything will be fine. I plan on addressing some of my concerns with my milk production with the pediatrician. Here are some photos that we took earlier today. It was hard to get him in a good mood, so some of these pictures were taken while he was sleeping.
First walk in the baby bjorn
He moves very fast, so just a little blurry
Our sleeping prince
Aww, he's so cute.
Sorry to hear about your difficulty with breast feeding. I hope your body (and Christopher) get used to it soon. :)
Liked the spraying stories! The kid must have a strong stream. Mom would be proud.
Do not feel bad about breastfeeding problems. Every mother is different and every baby is different. I had no problems with my daughter. However, my son was born 8 lbs 15 oz, 2 weeks early, so he was ALWAYS hungry. When he was about 2 weeks old, I started supplementing with formula. I'm not sure if this is what did it or not, but I never had the huge supply that I did with my daughter. He was always hungry. Ultimately, I was done and dryed up (partly because my doctor put me back on birth control too early) by the time he was 2 months old. I was so dissapointed, I cried and cried.
But the real truth is, that as long as you try and you give him some breastmilk, he is getting the benefits of it, such as immunity etc. You are already a great mother to be concerned over such things and making sure he gets enough to eat, even if it means supplementing. I know that just making sure he eats enough sounds basic, but think of all the babies in the world who don't. YOu're doing great, and you are doing everything in your control to breastfeed, if it doesn't work out, it's not your fault, some things are out of your control.
I ended up having to supplement and excluseively formula feed by 2.5 months and my son is no worse for the wear. Christopher is beautiful and very lucky to have such concerned loving parents!
He's so precious! You are going to be, and already are a great mother. You are attentive and loving, and obviously Christoper has become the center of your life. I'm so Happy for you.
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