Saturday, September 27, 2008

A weekend of growth spurt, teething and stomach virus

Blaaaa! It's been a rough week! I started feeling sick Thursday (stomach cramps, nausea, poor appetite, achy joints, fever) and spent Thursday and Friday schlepping around the house.

Poor Angie decides that she is going to enter her 3 month growth spurt a little early, and has been eating every 2-3 hours night and day. I've done my best to keep myself well hydrated while munching on toast for two days.

Then, Christopher developed a fever on Thursday, so we just treated it with tylenol and fluids. I figured he was going through whatever I was going through. Then yesterday he started to get the "teething breath" (I have super acute smell and can smell when his teeth are breaking through) and sure enough he is popping two molars on the bottom. This morning he puked up his breakfast, so we have been giving him fluids and toast. He had a slight fever this afternoon, so I gave him tylenol and he seemed to be feeling better.

What a weekend! I hope everything is resolved by Monday!

1 comment:

Keelie said...

Oh Becky!!! You poor thing!!! I was just thinking I can't imagine getting sick and still having to breast feed, and then I remembered having mastitis - NOT fun! But, I CAN'T imagine getting sick with a three month old AND a one year old to take care of!!! I hope you are all feeling better!!! I think Caedmon has a cold right now - he's got a runny nose and he's been crabby, but he's also drooling a ton. These seem to be symptoms of teething as well, but he's been cutting teeth like crazy and he didn't have any of these symptoms before! Anyway, it's that time of year I guess!:(