We are all doing well; Christopher is growing bigger and bigger! I measured him the other day, and he is at leat 22 inches. This was with his legs slightly bent. He is filling out more in his trunk and face. Two weeks ago he was 9lbs 4ounces, I would estimate that he is nearly 10lbs. He has the most expressive facial movements! I love it when he has his mouth open in an "O", he looks like a little bird waiting for food. We are still breastfeeding, but it's more for comfort and milk production. Our schedule was a little off when my family was here, but we are back on track. I am still pumping milk and refrigerating it, so at least he is getting some breastmilk. He is taking in 3 ounces of formula per feeding, so he is a hungry little boy! He eats every 2-3 hours during the day, and every 4 hours during the night.
I have been trying to work on a bedtime routine for him. Every night after dinner we go for walks together in his stroller. This usually helps settle him down. After we come home, I give him a warm bath. He enjoys his baths, but cries when we take him out to dry him. I dress him in a long onesie complete with a hat and wrap him up in a blanket burrito-style. Then some snuggling with breastfeeding and a bottle and he is out! Sometimes he doesn't need a bottle, he falls asleep as soon as he is wrapped up. Typically he is asleep by 10pm, and then wakes up at 3-4am for a feeding. Sometimes it is difficult to get him to fall back to sleep, so after much rocking, and holding he will fall asleep between 6:30-7:30am and awaken at 10:30. Of course each day differs slightly, but this is the general jist of what it's like. Sometimes I am so exhausted at 5am that I have him in the bed with me, so that I can keep an eye on him (I am worried about him spitting up and aspirating) while I rest. I wait for him to fall asleep before I feel comfortable falling asleep. I am just worried that he will aspirate, so I try to keep his head slightly elevated shortly after a feeding. I guess it's the nurse in me that is showing these concerns!
During the day he is often in his bouncy chair that my parents had bought for him. He is big enough now for it, and seems to really enjoy it. It has different features that either bounce or vibrate. It also plays music and the sound of beating heart (because that's all he heard when he was inside me). He no longer is so dependent on being held at every waking hour, so it is nice to have him in the bouncy chair and it allows me more freedom around the house.
Since Christopher has reached one month, here are developmental milestones according to I-Village:
Lifts head for short periods of time (he has done this since his first week, but now he is able to hold it for longer periods)
Moves head from side to side
Prefers the human face to other shapes
Makes jerky, arm movements
Brings hands to face
Has strong reflex movements
Can focus on items 8 to 12 inches away
May turn towards familiar sounds or voices
Responds to loud sounds
Blinks at bright lights
Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure:
Getting kind of cranky
whew.. there there Christopher
A pouch sling that a girl from my breastfeeding group made. Christopher screams when I put him in it, so I am still trying it out.
Alfonso came home from work and look what he found!
Meow! He is so cute! The vibrating chair reminds me of that one episode of Sex and the City.. anyone know what I'm talking about? :)
I'm glad to hear feeding is going better. It's also good that he's growing and developing so quickly!
I miss those days where you can lay him next to you and know he'll be there when you wake up! Enjoy it - before you know it he'll be trying to walk on his own!!!
I like being able to watch my nephew grow up from 2000 miles away! Yay, he's so cute! - JP
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