Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Christopher at 10 weeks

Today we hit the 10 week mark for Christopher's age. He is definitely growing and learning each day. Before leaving for our vacation, I had placed him in the chair that has the toys dangling in front of him. He would just sort of look at them and not react. Then at my parents house he learned to use his arms to bat the toys around. Now he can hardly keep still in his chair. We even bought him a little jungle gym set similar to the one my parents have. He loves it, and gets a good work out kicking his legs and throwing his arms around. His hand and eye coordination is improving and now he is starting to understand that he can control his arms and hands.

Last week he had his two month checkup with our new pediatrician. He weighed in at 11 lbs and 13 ounces. He is now 22.75 inches in length, 1.25 inches longer than his birth length. He also got his immunizations in his thighs, two in each thigh. I felt so bad after the nurse finished, he just cried his little head off. After holding him, he calmed down, but I still felt a little emotional.

I will be going back to work September 16th. I am sort of looking forward to it, but also feel a little sad to be without Christopher for such a long time. Fourteen hours a day, three times a week is a really long time! The longest I have been without him is 4 hours, and after 2 hours I started to feel anxious. Alfonso and I have been talking about daycare 1-2 times a week. I have mixed feelings about that too, especially since I am entrusting strangers with my child. Not to mention the financial expense. Ah well, it seems that these things will work out in time. Here are some recent photos:


AJ said...

Going back to work and day care are tough decisions. It is hard while you're figuring things out, but eventually you find the happy balance!

Crystal said...

Aww, Christopher is so cute. Congrats on your new job!!