Sunday, June 29, 2008

Close, but not yet

We had a very near hospital visit earlier today. After feeding Christopher his lunch, I began to have contractions. I was resting in the chair watching the soccer tournament on tv when this occurred. I felt the contractions (every 12 minutes or so)for an hour, and then mentioned to Alfonso that I was having contractions. They started to get worse, so we started to pack up our stuff to drive to the hospital.

And then, the contractions stopped and I started to feel normal again. Besides having the contraction episode, I have felt intense irritability (it's like being on steroids with the mood swings). I think the irritability is from the high level of hormones in my body. I've also been feeling nauseated and haven't been eating as much either. Tomorrow is another day!

1 comment:

alanna rose said...

I've been stalking your blog - are you having a baby right now?!