Thursday, June 26, 2008


Woke up this am with contractions.. I had about 3 within one hour. Now I am just feeling kinda crummy and bla. I have noticed that when I am having contractions, I start to feel nauseated and sick feeling. Anyone had the same feelings before? I think it's related to the increase of hormones (?).

I am making carrot bread for Chris.. he won't eat carrots otherwise... along with most of the other foods we try to give him.


AJ said...

Cute new background.

Good idea with the carrot bread!

I had nausea with labor, but I get nauseated pretty easily...

alanna rose said...

I was so nauseated with each contraction - that's why I had an epidural, I couldn't handle the pukey feeling (and it was painful).

I think your little girl is on her way!!!